Saturday, August 13, 2016

Some knitting

It may seem that knitting has taken a back seat recently as I have been so absorbed with the garden, not so. I have been knitting when it was too wet to go outdoors. I am trying to fill a box to send to  Loving Hands charity, still a way to go.
The sad news recently is that Coats are closing all of their haberdashery concessions in the UK which means I shall be losing my only source of Rowan yarns locally in Beatties. The only good thing is that the goods have been greatly reduced in price. I managed to get this in the sale this week.......

......and have started this sweater. I made this pattern some years ago but it turned out too small for me so I had to give it to my sister. This time I'm making a larger size and as the pattern is for DK and I'm using worsted, it looks as if it may fit.

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