Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August Garden

Things are starting to look a little autumnal now that September is approaching. There are more grapes on my vine than I have seen in former years, however they are really only decorative and not for eating.

 I decided to give tomatoes a rest this year and am trying sweet peppers, Capsicums. I planted several pots and this one is showing the most promise.

 I'm picking courgettes every few days, quite small but sufficient for my needs. The runner beans are pathetic, only just starting to set so I only have three very tiny pods.

 The fuchsias are flowering well and the Japanese Anemones are putting on a good show as usual.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Some knitting

It may seem that knitting has taken a back seat recently as I have been so absorbed with the garden, not so. I have been knitting when it was too wet to go outdoors. I am trying to fill a box to send to  Loving Hands charity, still a way to go.
The sad news recently is that Coats are closing all of their haberdashery concessions in the UK which means I shall be losing my only source of Rowan yarns locally in Beatties. The only good thing is that the goods have been greatly reduced in price. I managed to get this in the sale this week.......

......and have started this sweater. I made this pattern some years ago but it turned out too small for me so I had to give it to my sister. This time I'm making a larger size and as the pattern is for DK and I'm using worsted, it looks as if it may fit.

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

July Garden

News good and bad this month. The Tayberries are cropping well.

I'm picking courgettes every few days although some are quite small. 
The runner beans are flowering. These are Mergoles, stringless and 'set well in all summer weather' according to the packet.

The roses have been affected by Black spot. 'Mary Rose' lost all its leaves but is sprouting again. 'Gertrude Jekyll' was also affected but not so badly. 

'Bonica' was not affected and put on a good show.
The Clematis have wilt but if cut down will hopefully recover next year. I'm reluctant to spray as I try to garden organically. I think the warm damp summer we are having has affected several plants. The one thing that isn't affected is the bind weed with which I have a constant battle, and I think it is winning!