Saturday, September 22, 2007


This is a belated update on my NEC visit. I had an enjoyable day helping out on the Relax and Knit stand, picture on Fred's Blog.We taught several young people to knit, although a couple had the rudiments already having been taught by Grandma when very young. One lady wanted to knit socks, and luckily I had taken two socks, one on DPs, one on Magic loop so was able to show her both methods. She prefered DPs and went off happily to Web of Wool to get needles and yarn. In all a satisfying day, and one I would like to repeat.
I must admit I was a bit disappointed in the actual show. I thought that as the show was the Knitting and Stitching show the emphasis would be on knitting, but it was not. I was hoping that Colinette would be there, but no luck. I did get some Jitterbug from Web of Wool.

This was almost the only purchase I made, except for some buttons.

I have a long term project in mind, more of this another day.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Back to Knitting

Yes, some knitting has been progressing; first, socks. Top, we have Colinette Jitterbug on my favourite Magic Loop. Bottom, St. Ives sock wool, yes your eyes don't deceive you, I thought it was about time I tackled the dreaded DPNs. Can't say I am converted, I seem to spend a large amount of time picking up dropped needles and stitches. After all, I now have eight needle ends to lose the stitches from.

Next, yet another BSJ, just needing cuffs and buttons. Yarn, some unlabelled acrylic from stash.

Finally, I spotted this in a local charity shop yesterday.

Ideal storage for ' special' needles including some Peace Fleece from
Woolly Workshop.

Off to the NEC tomorrow, all being well, to help Fred on the Relax and Knit stand, so may see some fellow Bloggers.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Swimmers 1909

I simply had to share this photo with a wider audience. These fine young men, pictured in 1909, were swimming in the open air pool in Cannon Hill park, Birmingham. On the back is written 'Cannon Hill Nuts'. My grandfather, Sidney Wood, is the well clothed man on the right.

Monday, September 03, 2007

1940's Weekend

This is my second attempt at an update, Blogger ate the first one.
We've had a busy week. Steven had a brief admission to hospital on Tuesday, home on Wednesday. Thursday was spent recovering then back to hospital Friday for a scheduled out patients appointment.
I finished my 1940's style sweater in time for the event at Bantock Park at the week end. (See photo at top. Blogger is really playing up and won't let me move photos or make links.) I also made a turban type hat but it was so horrendous it's getting frogged.
There was an interesting display of knitted food but not much in the way of knitted clothing. What I did see was in double knitting acrylic, very much not 1940s when 4ply was considered heavy weight and wool and artificial silk were the yarns used. Cotton was for dishcloths. Must try and knit them some more genuine samples for next year