Saturday, September 17, 2005

Busy Week

I didn't realise how long it is since I last posted. This week has been pretty frantic on the whole. Steven saw his consultant on Tuesday and she made various suggestions regarding his morning sickness (well, at least he can't be pregnant!) One idea is to sleep him in a more upright position........

but so far this hasn't worked as I can't get him comfortable. He's mighty fussy about his sleeping position. Medication might help to stop him feeling so nauseous.

I've also had news that there may be a daycare placement for Steven when he leaves school. The snag is that it is available from October which means he won't complete his last year at school. It is going to be difficult coping with new people and routines but I've no doubt I shall get used to it! Steven, I expect to take it all in his stride.

Most of my knitting is on hold at the moment, the school nurse, Chris, has requested some Trauma Teddies for use in school. As she says, they often have to do unpleasant things to the children and it's nice to give them a reward afterwards, so I've been using up my odds and ends ( funny, they never seem to get any less.) This is Teddy no.1..............

.............more to follow. I've also made some progress on my Lornas Laces sock.............

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