Monday, November 06, 2006

Garden again

Not much to show in the way of knitting. I have been working on various projects, but nothing completed. This post is about the garden. I actually managed a whole morning outside today. The summer is lingering on. This is the last rose......

. ........... and passionflower, which flowered poorly during the hot summer, but has come into its own this autumn.

Clematis Cirrhosa 'Freckles' is blooming very well and should continue through the winter.

And finally, last night's sunset behind the Clee Hills. It certainly has been a 'Shepherd's Delight' today.


Wye Sue said...

That's an amazing sky !!

Steph said...

Fantastic pics!

m said...

I meant to say to you yesterday that I loved the garden pictures, not to mention the sunset.
This morning I opened the front room curtains to find a couple of irises flowering early.