Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Today Steven and I joined staff and members of his new daycare centre on a visit to the local Bowling Alley. He managed to achieve the highest score.

As you can see Steven thoroughly enjoyed himself and it was lovely to see how the staff interacted with him. It makes such a difference his being with people who understand him, mostly he just gets ignored if he doesn't immediately respond when spoken to. Of course the staff at school are great with him, but he will be moving on soon and leaving them behind.

At least this part of his transition is going smoothly and the staff have been trained to cope with his P.E.G. feeds. If only the medical transfer was progressing so well.

Of course, the knitting came along and I managed a good part of a baby hat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi just wanted to say I love the website, think its a great idea, lovely to see Steven with us today, Sharon x (from the day centre)